- class otkerneldesign.KernelHerdingTensorized(kernel=None, distribution=None, candidate_set_size=None, candidate_set=None, initial_design=None, is_greedy=False)¶
Incrementally select new design points with tensorized kernel herding. The main difference with the
class is contained in thecompute_target_potential()
method. It requires the kernel to be a product of one-dimensional kernels and the input random variables to be independent. Exploiting these properties, it can compute the target potential as a product of univariate potentials, which is much faster.- Parameters:
- kernel
Covariance kernel used to define potentials. Must be a product of one-dimensional kernels. By default a product of Matern kernels with smoothness 5/2.
- distribution
Distribution the design points must represent. Must have an independent copula. If not specified, then candidate_set must be specified instead. Even if candidate_set is specified, can be useful if it allows the use of tensorized formulas.
- candidate_set_sizepositive int
Size of the set of all candidate points. Unnecessary if candidate_set is specified. Otherwise,
by default.
- candidate_set2-d list of float
Large sample that empirically represents a distribution. If not specified, then distribution and candidate_set_size must be in order to generate it automatically.
- initial_design2-d list of float
Sample of points that must be included in the design. Empty by default.
- is_greedyBoolean
Set to False by default, then the criterion is the difference between the current and target potential. When set to True, the MMD minimization is strictly greedy. In practice, the two criteria are very close, only for the greedy one the current potential is multiplied by
- kernel
>>> import openturns as ot >>> import otkerneldesign as otkd >>> distribution = ot.ComposedDistribution([ot.Normal(0.5, 0.1)] * 2) >>> dimension = distribution.getDimension() >>> # Kernel definition >>> ker_list = [ot.MaternModel([0.1], [1.0], 2.5)] * dimension >>> kernel = ot.ProductCovarianceModel(ker_list) >>> # Tensorized kernel herding design >>> kht = otkd.KernelHerdingTensorized(kernel=kernel, distribution=distribution) >>> kht_design, _ = kht.select_design(20)
- compute_criterion(design_indices)¶
Compute the criterion on a design. At any point of the candidate set, this criterion is simply given by the difference between the target potential and the potential of a discrete measure defined by a given design.
- Parameters:
- design_indiceslist of positive int
List of the indices of the selected points in the Sample of candidate points
- Returns:
- current_potential - target_potentialnumpy.array
Vector of the values taken by the criterion on all candidate points
- compute_current_energy(design_indices)¶
Compute the energy of the discrete measure defined by the design
. Considering the discrete measure
, its energy is defined as
- Parameters:
- design_indiceslist of positive int
List of the indices of the selected points in the Sample of candidate points
- Returns:
- potentialfloat
Energy of the discrete measure defined by the design
- compute_current_potential(design_indices)¶
Compute the potential of the discrete measure (a.k.a, kernel mean embedding) defined by the design
. Considering the discrete measure
, its potential is defined as
- Parameters:
- design_indiceslist of positive int
List of the indices of the selected points in the Sample of candidate points
- Returns:
- potentialpotential of the measure defined by the design
- potentialpotential of the measure defined by the design
- compute_mmd(design_indices)¶
Compute Maximum Mean Discrepancy between
- Parameters:
- design_indiceslist of positive int
List of the indices of the selected points in the Sample of candidate points
- Returns:
- mmdfloat
Maximum Mean Discrepancy between target and current measure.
- compute_target_energy()¶
Compute the energy of the target probability measure
- Returns:
- potentialfloat
Energy of the measure
defined by
- compute_target_potential()¶
Compute the potential of the target probability measure
. In the case of independent input variables, this implementation is more efficient that the one offered by the
be a cross product of one-dimensional sets
, and let the measure
be the product of its marginals
on the
. When the kernel
is the product of one-dimensional kernels
, then for all
, the potential
can be expressed as
where for each
is the one-dimensional potential with respect to the distribution
and the kernel
This method exploits this property by computing the potential as a product of univariate potentials, individually estimated by regular grids.
- Returns:
- potentialnumpy.array
Potential of the measure
computed as
- draw_energy_convergence(design_indices)¶
Draws the convergence of the energy for a set of points selected among the candidate set.
- Parameters:
- design_indiceslist of positive int
List of the indices of the selected points in the Sample of candidate points
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib.Figure
Energy convergence of the design of experiments
- plot_datadata used to plot the figure
- draw_mmd_convergence(design_indices)¶
Draws the convergence of the MMD between a discrete measure and the target measure.
- Parameters:
- design_indiceslist of positive int
List of the indices of the selected points in the Sample of candidate points
- Returns:
- figmatplotlib.Figure
MMD convergence of the design of experiments
- plot_datadata used to plot the figure
- get_candidate_set()¶
Accessor to the candidate set.
- Returns:
- candidate_setopenturns.Sample
A deepcopy of the candidate set.
- get_indices(sample)¶
When provided a subsample of the candidate set, returns the indices of its points in the candidate set.
- Parameters:
- sample2-d list of float
A subsample of the candidate set.
- Returns:
- indiceslist of int
Indices of the points of the sample within the candidate set.
- select_design(size)¶
Select a design with tensorized kernel herding.
- Parameters:
- sizepositive int
Number of points to be selected
- design_indiceslist of positive int
List of the indices of already selected points (empty by default) in the Sample of candidate points
- Returns:
- design
Sample of all selected points
- design_indiceslist of positive int or None
List of the indices of the selected points in the Sample of candidate points
- design